Saturday 17 March 2012

Adam Grey The Young Wizard (1)

 One stormy day, an american college student named Adam Grey, was struck by lightning while walking back from his class. The next day, he woke up under a tree on top of a mountain and he saw a huge castle far,far away. He climbed down the mountain, and stumbled upon a forest. There he saw huge birds of fire, red dragons and giants, but much to his surprise, they didn't harm him at all. 
     When he got out of the forest, he saw a village not far away, he quickly walk to the village hoping to get some information to where he is now. He was confused and disorientated, he's unsure whether he is dreaming or are all these real. When he step into the village's gate he saw many people and a lot of shops selling fruits and vegetable, bread, meat and chicken are also available, it's a market. He realizes that the villagers wears cloths that are from a different era, where-as he is wearing tee shirt and jeans, now he was sure that he must be dreaming. It's like he stepped back in time. Fortunately all those that he met were very friendly to him and they welcomed him to their village, as if they knew who he is and they were expecting him. Nobody seems to be bothered that he's wearing a different kind of clothing from them.  He asks around and found out that the village was call Orion.
     Suddenly a bell rang loudly near the village center and everybody gathered and walk to the huge castle, which was at the end of the village, reluctantly he followed them. There, he saw the king, the queen and a beautiful princess. The king announces that every healthy man must join the warriors of the king, with-in four days time, no exception and no excuses. The bell rang again a second time, and everybody went back to town and continue their work. Adam was confused, is he supposed to join the war too? He didn't even know where he actually is.
     In the middle of the commotion, an old man approach and said "Come, follow me. I want to show you something".


  1. nice.. first, interested dgn tajuknye.. then bila dh bace mmg mnrik.. tertanya-tanya jugak apa yg jadi strusnye? sambungannye.. please! :)

  2. Bagi pihak Haikal saya ucapkan terima kasih banyak-banyak, akan ada sambungannya....tunggu...:)
